E77 Finding Purpose with Podcasting

Welcome to Help Me podcast, a show designed to help

you launch and grow your podcast. I am your host, Gino. And

twice a week, I will release a new episode with different tips and

trick for launching and growing your podcast. From audio engineering

to planning intentionally to growth tactics, each episode will be a bite

sized tip to help you podcast.

Welcome back to Help Me Podcast. Thank you for tuning in. This is

episode 77. And today, I have

another, sort of abstract episode that's not really

about anything specific, but more about a conversation that

I had with somebody recently about podcasting. And,

Again, hopefully, it's helpful. And, yeah. We'll, we'll see where

it goes. So what I wanted to talk about is kinda

how, like, you can use podcasting. The simplest way

that I can conclude the conversation that I have with this person is basically,

like, finding purpose with your podcast. And,

you know, that's something that's really important to me is, like, finding work

and and doing things that I feel purpose in and I feel meaning in.

And my other podcast Working Towards Our Purpose, obviously, from the title,

you know, you can tell that it's about that. But, yeah, I was having a

conversation with somebody recently, and I guess they were asking me about my other podcast.

And, we kinda just started talking about it. And it

was interesting because I, like, was thinking about how

podcasting can be, like, almost a path towards

finding your purpose or at least, like, a a sort of

something that you can do that, like, is enjoying to you. So I

guess a little backstory about me. I used to be a

mechanical engineer. I worked in corporate America for, like, 6 or

7 years in the military defense contracting

realm, and I never enjoyed it. I I always,

like, wanted to move around and do something else and always was,

like, frustrated and, confused

and, so many different things that I I didn't didn't sit well

with me. And it took me a long time to figure out, like, oh, that

is just not gonna work for me. It's not, You know, my lifestyle,

it's not the way that I wanna exist. And, you

know, so what I ended up doing was I started this side business

that I could focus my energy onto and I could focus my excitement

onto. And this kinda relates to the one of the last episodes, episode

75 where I was talking about finding clarity and embracing, like, what excites

you. And that's kinda what I did with my side business.

And I guess the point that I'm getting to is that, like, you can use

podcasting as that sort of outlet. Right? Like, I'm all for people

quitting their jobs, but I understand It's a transition, and it took me

a very long time to be able to get to that point. And I think

that you don't have to wait. You know you know you know like, you don't

have to wait to do something that excites you or to be

excited about something. And and a podcast is, like, the perfect thing to

be able to put energy into while you're still doing maybe

a job that you don't like. And yeah. So that that was, like, the

conversation that we had is, like, You know, you can learn to podcast

and, like, yeah, it's gonna be a lot of work upfront to figure out how

to do everything. But once you get into a groove, like, you could totally do

that on the side and, you know, release an episode a week or maybe

every other week. And, like, what it's doing is it's like you're

putting energy into the thing that you want to be doing. Because I think a

lot of times people, including myself, would think about

something and be like, yeah. In the future, I'm gonna do that. Like, in the

future, that's that's what I'll be able to do. But right now, I can't.

And and I think a podcast allows you to be able to do that thing

now in a small way, like, to get started in doing that one

thing. If you're passionate about, you know, basketball

or soccer or or music or something. Like, you

can make episodes and create this

thing, create, you know, content input out into the world, the thing

that you're really excited about and you're passionate about. Then I think what ends up

happening sometimes too, at at least this happened with My side business is

was like I was starting to do it, and then I started getting, like,

results and feedback. And, like, I noticed I was impacting people's lives, and

I was like, This is definitely what I wanna do. And it creates that

momentum. It's it's like, the Newton, law there.

Like, an object at rest stays at rest. Object in motion stays in motion. It's

creating momentum and, you know, you're actually doing something

about the thing that you wanna be doing instead of just thinking about it. And

it's It's putting it into reality, into the physical, you

know, world, which is, like, so empowering. And

yeah. I just think that, like, a podcast is such a good medium

or such a good way to be able to do that. So I I I

just kinda wanted to felt like I had to make an episode about this today,

because I think that I have a lot of people in my life who are

stuck in jobs that they don't like. And, I have conversations with them

all the time. And that's something that, like, I'm really passionate about is is

wanting people to follow the things that they're, like, super excited about and

they feel called to. And I think a podcast is an awesome way to,

like, get started in doing that. And yeah.

So if you're listening out there and, that resonates with

you, I have created a podcast launch road

map, which is a free PDF download where you can

click click on it, and it'll kinda tell you, like, all the things that you

need to get a podcast started. And, yeah, I think it's just kind of like

a good checklist of, like, Okay. These are all the things that I need to

start a podcast. And, you know, it's kinda just like my way of trying to

help people get started. Because I think if I can help somebody Make a

decision to to work more in their purpose or to pursue their

purpose. You know, that's that's awesome for me. So, so

yeah. If if If this resonated with you and, you know, you're

interested in starting your podcast, you can click that in the show notes. There'll be

a link that just says podcast launch roadmap, and you can download it

for free. I was just putting your email in so I could send it to

you. And, yeah. Hopefully, this episode is helpful. I know it was

a little shorter, but, yeah. I just kinda felt called to make this

episode today. So, yeah. Hopefully hopefully, it

resonated with some of you. And, Thank you for tuning in as always, and I

will see you on the next episode. We've reached the end of the

episode. And if you enjoyed this podcast or you got something from

it. You might be interested in my weekly newsletter that I send

out every Monday morning full of podcasting tips, tricks

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To sign up, just go to the show notes and click the link. Thanks for

listening, and happy

E77 Finding Purpose with Podcasting
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