E76 Growing Your Podcast with an In-Person Event

Welcome to Help Me Podcast, a show designed to help you

launch and grow your podcast. I am your host, Gino, and twice

a week I will release a new episode with different tips and tricks

for launching and growing your podcast. From audio engineering to

planning, intentionally to growth tactics, each episode will be a bite

sized tip to help you podcast.

Welcome back to another episode of Help Me Podcast. This is episode

76, and in today's episode we

are going to talk about hosting an event for your podcast.

And I think I brought this up in a previous episode more

briefly, talking about maybe ways to grow your

podcast by putting on like a live in person event. But today

I want to go in a little bit more detail in how to do it

because I'm actually putting on my own event. And by the

time this comes out, which will be Thursday, it'll have already been

passed. But at the time of my recording, it

hasn't happened yet. It's going to be on Wednesday, on the 11th,

and it's basically an event for entrepreneurs

and creatives to meet up, kind of like a networking event. But I don't really

like to use the word networking. It feels very corporate. But

that's the event that I'm putting on and I've kind of gone through the process

of how to set one up and everything like that. So I figured that I

would be able to share it here in case anybody was looking to

put on an in person event for their podcast. So I'm basically just going to

run you through what I did in order to do that and

hopefully it will be helpful. So the first thing that I did

was I had the idea of it and I wanted to do it for a

little bit. The first thing I did was tell a couple close

friends. And I think that that was really helpful and beneficial

because what it did was they immediately offered to help,

which was amazing. And I think in order to put on an

event like this, and I'm talking like a smaller

sized event, like if 20 people showed up, that would be great.

So that's the kind of event that I'm talking about. It's not like a major

sort of thing and it's basically just going to be a meet up

and I'm going to provide drinks and there'll be music and stuff

like that. But basically just like facilitating conversations. There's not going

to be a speaker or anything like that. I'm just keeping it really simple for

the first one. So that's the kind of event that I'm planning

and even keeping it as simple as that,

there's still a lot of things that I didn't really think that I would

need help for, but for example, things like checking

people in and getting their information or

things like that. So it's been great to get help from friends

who are also excited about it and willing to help out. And

I think asking for help is one of those things that I always struggle with.

So it's been a good exercise in asking and receiving

help. So that being said, that was the first thing that I

did was I told people and I think regardless of

however you do the event, it's definitely a good

idea to have at least one person to help

you do it because it's going to be much harder to do it all by

yourself. And I thought that I could have done it all by

myself, but definitely glad and thankful for friends

who have offered to help. So the next thing that I did was I

created a flyer on Canva and I really wanted to kind

of capture the essence of

who I was trying to bring to this event. I

think I intentionally didn't use the word networking because

of its corporate kind of sound. I want people to show up

who are creatives and entrepreneurs

and people who are doing things that they feel called to

and passionate and they're passionate about. So I really tried to make a poster

that used those keywords and would attract those types of

people. And I think that that was a helpful

exercise for me to refine the target market

of, not to sound too businessy, but to refine the target market

of who I want to show up. And I

created that and then I sent that out to a few friends too for feedback

and then got some nice comments on it and adjusted. And then when I

was happy with the actual poster and the flyer, the

next thing I did was I went on eventbrite and I

learned how to make an event because eventbrite is great

for smaller, local events, like this because

it's a professional way to get a ticket and to have people

be able to download a ticket even if it's a free event. Also you are

able to charge for events too, which is great. I think you have to have

the paid version of Eventbrite in order to

do that. I'm not positive, but you can host a

free event for up to 25 people for free on Eventbrite

and you just need to log in and make an account, which is amazing. So

what I did was I made an account, I signed up, I made my event.

And you basically just put all your information in and then you could

put like an image in and then it creates basically

this event page for you where you can post anywhere

and you can share the link. People can go and professionally

purchase a ticket to your event. It's easy to share, you could throw it on

your socials. So that's been really cool. And then another really

cool aspect of eventbrite is when people purchase tickets or

when they sign up, you're collecting their information, which is

great if you're going to do it again or if you want to add them

to an email list or something. It gives you their first name, their last

name, their email, and also a way to reach out to

them too. You can also go into the eventbrite dashboard

and you can send them emails and that sort of thing.

So that's been really cool. You can actually export the data

from the event. So that's what I did. As far as

creating the event, obviously you also have to find a space to do

it. I live in New Haven and I'm fortunate

to have a space that's free to use if you sign up and it's

like a great event space, so you're definitely going to want to find a space

where you can actually host this sort of event. And yeah,

lastly is like just picking a date and kind of sticking to it. I

think when I found the space, I kind of just

signed up for an event like a month out and just kind

of as a way to kind of force myself to do it

and to put some urgency behind it. So

because I had that date booked, there was a little bit of an accountability part

of it where it's like I probably could cancel it, but I don't want to

cancel it. So making sure that I get everything done in time

and that's been kind of helpful as far as actually making me have the

event. So then once I created the event

and I had the Vent prite page and I shared it to my socials, I

then was able to send links to people that I wanted to be

there, like friends and different people that I've met through networking. And

I shared the link and I shared the ticket and

got some good, helpful, supportive feedback

and some people saying they'll be there and some people saying they can't make it,

but they wish me the best and that sort of thing. So I really like

post sharing it once I had the link and the eventbrite and everything

ready to go. So that was helpful. And then the last thing

that I did, which was yesterday, was I actually printed the

flyer that I made. I think I printed like 30 or 40 copies

and I just went around town and I hung them up. And I

do live in a small city so that's something that I could

do. If you don't live in a populated area,

places like libraries are great for putting flyers up or like

cafes and stuff like that. I didn't even actually do that, which I

probably should have, but I kind of just went around town to some of the

more walkable streets and just hung up flyers where

I saw other flyers. So I checked my eventbrite this morning

and I actually got two people who I don't know sign up for the

eventbrite. Which leads me to believe that they saw the posters yesterday

and that's kind of how they signed up for it, which is amazing.

So yeah, that's awesome and definitely looking

forward to the event. But yeah, kind of wrapping this up and bringing it back

to your podcast. Having an event

is something that you could do to boost your

podcast and whatever your podcast is about, you

probably have some sort of niche and you probably have some sort of community

aspect to it because that's what podcasting is. It's creating

community around specific topics and I think

that kind of goes hand in hand with in person events

because it's possible to build community online. And sure, there's

tons of communities online, I mean, if you just think about the gaming community or

streaming and twitch and all that. But there's also in person

communities and I think that podcasting has a

great way of being able to transition the

online communities into in person communities. And you see it

a lot with the bigger podcast. They go on tour or they do events and

tons of people show up just thinking about comedians who have

podcast and the amount of tickets that they sell now because of their

podcast. And I don't know, I think podcasting has

a great way of starting that community and building the

community that you can then transfer into real life.

And even if you don't have thousands of listeners or anything like that, you

could still start an event for your podcast and

encourage people who don't listen to your podcast to go there. And

that's kind of like where my head was at when I created this event.

At some point it might be awesome to do my other podcast working towards

our purpose, to have like a live podcast at one of these events, taking it

one step at a time. But the commonality for me between the podcast and

the event is purpose and creativity and

alignment and entrepreneurship and working for yourself.

And I guess what I'm trying to do is have an event for those types

of people and then the people that come to the event might be

great listeners for the podcast, right? They might want to listen to a podcast

like this because of the commonality. So if you can create an event

in a similar way where it's like you have a podcast about a

specific topic, but you can hit this target market with an

event and then the target market might be interested in your podcast,

that's a great way to be able to get new listeners. And as

I'm talking about this now, I'm kind of thinking like I should probably have some

sort of business card or piece

of paper that says like, hey, thanks for coming, here's my

podcast. If you're interested in pursuing your purpose,

here's a podcast that's about it and maybe you'll like it. So that's probably something

I should do before the event. But anyways,

I hope this episode was helpful in describing my process

and how to put an event on and using eventbrite and

utilizing it again because I think it could be a great way

to create community and to build community around your

podcast and around the topics of your podcast. So thank you for

listening as always, and I will see you on another episode real soon.

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E76 Growing Your Podcast with an In-Person Event
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