E75 Finding Clarity and Embracing What Truly Excites You

Welcome to Help Me Podcast, a show designed to help you

launch and grow your podcast. I am your host, Gino, and twice

a week I will release a new episode with different tips and tricks

for launching and growing your podcast. From audio engineering to planning

intentionally to growth tactics, each episode will be a bite sized

tip to help you podcast.

Good morning, good evening, good afternoon. Welcome back to Help Me

Podcast, and today's episode is going to be a little

bit different than the normal episodes. Normally I have, like, a topic that I

want to talk about when I'm coming in, and I kind of just

discuss that topic, talk about at the beginning, go into detail, and then

kind of wrap it up today. Not really sure what this episode is going to

be about, but a couple of things that have

come up recently, I guess, that I wanted to discuss and hopefully

it will turn into an episode that makes sense and is helpful for

you. If not, then, well, there'll always be

next one. So recently I got

an email from one of my clients who I really

enjoyed working with, and they been on a bit of a break for a while,

I think. I haven't really done any work with them for like maybe a

month or two. And this morning I

woke up pretty early, got some work done, and then decided to check my

email and saw that I had an email from one of them.

And this podcast was like a co host sort of situation.

So it was like two friends who started a podcast and one of the friends

had emailed me and said that she was basically informing me, saying like, hey,

it's been awesome, you've been great, but I'm not going to do this podcast

anymore. And my co host hasn't decided if she wants

to continue it or not. And I don't know, it kind of brought me into

this idea and this theme that I've had for the past week or two of

just doing the things that you really want to be doing,

and I don't know. Yeah, kind of, I guess going with the flow

of things and putting energy into the things that actually

excite you versus not. And I think maybe if it were like

a year or two ago, I might have been a little bit upset

and been bummed that I don't get to work on this podcast

anymore or it's not going to be the same podcast as it was and this

sort of thing. But the way that I read the email, it was

like, I totally understand what you mean. It's something

that you no longer want to be doing or want to put any energy

into, so just stop. Cut it off, right? Stop doing

it. Don't force yourself to keep doing it because you think you have

to or because somebody else wants you to, or you think somebody else wants you

to. So I guess what I'm saying is I appreciated

her straightforwardness and being like, yeah, I don't want to do this

anymore. Because then what it allows you to

do is to focus on the things that do excite you

and that you do want to be doing. And I guess in the past few

weeks I've been really trying to embody that and

just do the things that I'm really excited about. And I think what

it's done for me is it's helped give me clarity on what to

do and what not to do. For example, when people

approach me either through a contact form on my website or something and they're

like, hey, I need podcast services done. Can you do this, this and

this for me? Normally I'm like, yeah, what do you

need? Let me see if I could help you and this and that. But the

way that I approached this most recent one that I had, it was like,

what are you looking to do? What are you doing? What's the podcast

about? What are your passions? Why do you want to start

it? And then we can kind of talk from there because if it's something that

I'm not going to be into, then why bother

starting? And it's almost kind of like a backwards thing when

you think about it from a business aspect. Like, yes, you want new clients, but

at the same time I want to work with clients that I want to work

with because I'm going to do better for them and I'm going to be able

to do what I'm doing longer. It's going to be more sustainable.

And I'm also then leaving room to have

space for the things that I do want to do when they do come along.

Because if I'm using all my time and energy on stuff that I really don't

want to be doing, if a good opportunity comes along, it's

like I might miss it because I'm too busy doing things that I don't

like. My eyes might not be opened to the opportunity

because I'm too busy doing all this busy work. And I'm just, I guess in

this mode or mood of not wanting to do any

busy work or being having no patience for it,

just wanting to do the things that I really care about and I like

that feeling and I want to lean more into it. So yeah, I don't know,

just this idea of kind of following the excitement factor

and doing the things that you're actually excited about

versus the things that you think you have to do or the things that you

think other people want you to do.

Like I was saying, over the past two weeks, I've kind of taken a lot

of time for myself to just kind of do the things that are exciting me,

like independent of business goals or this or

that. And it's been kind of nice. So I guess I

just kind of wanted to share that hopefully that could be some sort of

maybe motivation for you to do the things that you want to be

doing more often. I guess

it ties into a podcast because it's like, well, maybe the podcast is the thing

that you're really excited about, but you haven't done it because you got to do

this or you got to do that, or you think you can't do this or

you think you can't do that. I think it's really important to have

the creative endeavors, the things that you do intrinsically

just because you want to be doing them, not because they make

sense or there's an end goal or anything like that. Just because

you want to create, I think is a great reason to do

something because that's kind of like I said, what I've been doing the past two

weeks and it's made me so much more efficient at the

work that I actually have to do. And I'm not stressing about it

as much as I would have before. I'm not sitting at my desk staring at

it like, I don't want to do this. I'm essentially waiting to the last

minute getting it done and then there's no issue.

So I don't know, not saying that that's the

right way or the wrong way to do it. It's just kind of telling you

my experience and hopefully maybe it'll resonate with

somebody. Maybe it'll be helpful to somebody, maybe it won't.

But yeah, also one other thing that I don't know if I

can relate this or not, but let's try it yesterday, went to the

beach with a friend and planned on only going for like a couple hours. But

it was so nice out and it's been beautiful the past

week or so in Connecticut where I live. And it

was just warm enough to want to be at the beach. And

the waves were so calm for some reason. It was just like I don't know,

we're just both talking all day long, just no phones, just kind of

being in the moment and enjoying being at the beach.

Because although I live very close to the beach, I rarely ever go.

I probably only go a handful of times a year. And then it started getting

later and we were talking about how normally we're in a

mindset to like, all right, we got to get out of here. We got to

go home. But the sun was starting to set and we're like, well, why don't

we just stay here and watch the sunset? And that's what we

did. And it was nice. It was

so relaxing and yeah, I mean, there

was things I could have been doing, there was work that I was going to

do, but I was just like, you know what? This is what's making me happy

right now, so let me do this and take it where it goes. And

we ended up watching the sunset. And I had a thought that

I had a funny thought that I told him. I was like, man, this happens

every single day and I rarely ever watch it. It's kind

of insane that I don't look at the sunset more often.

But anyways, so I ended up coming home and basically just going to

bed. I did try to finish the thing that I wanted to, but

I was like tired and I was like, forget it, I'm not doing it now.

And I ended up going to bed early and then waking up super early and

getting a bunch of stuff done. And now I'm recording this podcast episode.

So, yeah, I don't know I don't know how

that relates to anything, but hopefully this is a helpful

episode. I just felt like I wanted to talk about this and

yeah, hopefully you found this helpful. If not, like I said, there's always

next episode. I'll have another episode on Thursday. And

yeah, I appreciate all of you for listening. Thank you for tuning in and I

will see you on the next episode. We've reached the end of the

episode and if you enjoyed this podcast or you got something from

it, you might be interested in my weekly newsletter that I

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link. Thanks for listening and happy podcasting.



E75 Finding Clarity and Embracing What Truly Excites You
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