E64 Sharing Your Work While You Launch a Podcast

Welcome to Help Me Podcast, a show designed to help you

launch and grow your podcast. I am your host, Gino, and twice

a week I will release a new episode with different tips and tricks

for launching and growing your podcast. From audio engineering to planning

intentionally to growth tactics, each episode will be a bite sized

tip to help you podcast.

Hey. Welcome back to help me. Podcast. Thank you for joining me. Once

again, we are on episode 64.

I'm very thankful for all of you for listening and keeping up with

the show today I want to talk about a new idea

that I heard about launching a podcast. And

the idea is kind of showing your work or launching together

out loud with your community or your friends or whatever

following that you have. A lot of times when people launch a podcast,

they'll create the whole podcast by themselves in a

silo, and all of a sudden they'll launch their podcast and maybe launch

a couple of episodes and say, here it is, here's the new podcast. And then

nobody really listens and you kind of get bummed out. And

I think launching in that way, you kind of don't take advantage

of the anticipation factor. And one way of

anticipating a podcast is creating a podcast trailer, which I've

always told people is a good way to share your

podcast beforehand, get people excited about it, so

then when it launches, you have a couple eyes on it to

listen to it right away, right? And that's what I've done with my podcast.

But there's an even better way to launch a podcast

and to create even more anticipation for it that we're going to talk about

today. And again, I got this idea from Jeremy Inns,

who I will link in the show Notes and you can check out. He's in

the podcasting realm and he does a lot of talks and I've seen him at

Summits before and I really resonate with all the things that he talks about. He's

got a great email list that you can also sign up for that I'm going

to link in the description. The previous episode was also inspired by

him and Justin Jackson, so definitely check him out if you like

this episode. So how do we do this? How do we build more anticipation

about a podcast before it launches? And the idea is

to work out loud, kind of, right, to share your work with

people as you're building it. And it can definitely be hard

sometimes because maybe you want to flesh out your vision

and have a final product to share with people. But I

think it can be very beneficial to not do

that and to actually work out loud with the

community of people that you have either on your social media or maybe in

person or wherever you have a following or friends or

family to basically let people know. At the

early stages like this is what I'm thinking about. This is the podcast I'm thinking

about and get people's input. And I think that

that can do two things. It can help you more refine your own vision when

you get feedback from other people, but also from their end. People

feel like they're contributing to part of your show and they're going to

want to listen to it when it comes out even more because they're going to

feel like they were a part of it. And this is from

a practicality standpoint, things like when you're designing your cover art, right?

Like maybe you design your cover art and you share it

with your network and you ask for people's feedback. Hey, do you like

this? What does this cover art give you? What kind of vibe does it send

out? And this may inspire you to go in a different direction with

your cover art, and maybe it won't, but I think the important part is that

you're asking people for their feedback and in doing so,

you're making them feel like they're a part of the process and you're also

creating that anticipation. Oh, this person's creating

a podcast and I'm helping them make some decisions with it. I

wonder when it's going to come out, I wonder what it's going to be like

when it comes out. And I think it kind of creates more of an

energy around you launching a podcast. And you can do this with every aspect

of the show, from naming it to the design to all

the branding parts of it. You can get feedback from

people and in doing so, you're creating a podcast

together instead of doing it alone and then

having the final product to share with people. And I think this is one

thing that indie podcasters have the advantage of

because the NPRs of the world can't do that because they're

putting tons of money into shows and they have to be very

professional and they'll do a very standard launch of like

one month out. They'll have the trailer and they'll have all this marketing

stuff and advertise on their other podcast and say, hey, this new podcast is

coming out. They don't really have the opportunity to be as honest

and vulnerable and transparent as an indie podcast does. So

I think taking that to your advantage is what can help you

have that boost. When you go to launch a podcast,

you can be super honest and super vulnerable, super transparent.

When you're creating your show and tell people what you're

struggling with, maybe you're having a hard time coming up with a name for it

that you really resonate with, get people's input and get people's

help on it. So that way when you do launch, there's this

anticipation and there's this community that have kind of all helped you

build your podcast. So now when you go to make your

trailer, they're going to share it and they're going to say, hey, I had a

part in this. Maybe I helped name this show or I helped design it

or gave an idea. People are going to be excited about it, as

excited as you are. And you don't have to do it alone. You can do

it through community. And I just thought that this was a really cool

idea. And if I ever go to launch another podcast, I'm definitely going to do

it this way. And I'm going to definitely encourage people that

come to me for help launching a podcast to encourage people to do it this

way. And I just think it's a really communal way

to create a podcast. And I think things are always done better

together. And after

all the good things we've already stated, it can also help to motivate

you to keep going with that podcast because now people are watching

and there's a sort of accountability now that you've shared, hey, I'm

starting a podcast. It's going to make you stick to it a little bit more.

So I think there's nothing but good things that happen if

you share your podcast together. And now that I'm

thinking about it, I could hear the devil's advocate being like, well, what if somebody

steals your idea? And that sort of thought process. And

I don't think anybody can steal your idea. I think that nobody's going to do

something the way that you're going to do it. And always

be reminded that the idea is the easy part. The

implementation and the consistency to finish

the idea or to bring the idea to life is the hard part. So

somebody can steal your idea, but are they going to have the drive to finish

that idea and to put it into production like you are?

And I would say probably not. And even if they did,

it doesn't matter because there's room for everybody and

living in a scarcity mindset will only hurt you.

Because I think even if they do launch that podcast, it doesn't mean

that you can't do your idea. I think maybe there's a place for that and

maybe there's certain people that you want to hide your idea from, just from

negativity and stuff like that. But I don't think not sharing your

idea because you think somebody's going to steal it is really

a productive way of looking at things. But those are my thoughts, those are my

opinions and hopefully this was helpful for you. Hopefully you got something

out of it. I think that this is a really cool way to launch a

podcast and to do it in a way that you can get input and

help from others. So hope this was helpful. I will see you all

on the next episode. Thank you for listening.

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podcasting. You our.

E64 Sharing Your Work While You Launch a Podcast
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