E61 Creating a Podcast Guest One Sheet: A Powerful Tool for Landing Interviews

Welcome to Help Me Podcast, a show designed to help you

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Hey. Welcome back to help me. Podcast. Thank you for joining me once

again. And today I want to talk about something

called a podcast guest one sheet. And

I want to talk about this because I was working on one for a

client this past week and I think they could be helpful for

you if you are somebody who is trying to get onto a

podcast. So a one sheet is basically

like a PDF. You could print it as a piece of paper, but

it's a one kind of sided information

infographic sort of thing that has information about

you and it's basically like a thing that you can

give to people and then they can easily know who you are. So you can

kind of use it in a couple of different contexts. But in this context it's

going to be more specifically about a person and

why they should be on somebody else's

podcast. So this could be either a podcast host

or just a person in general. In my case specifically,

I'm working on one for a client who doesn't have a podcast and they

want to go onto other people's podcasts. So the idea is this one

sheet is going to help me get this person onto

podcasts. So there's a couple of different ways of doing

it. I basically I Googled it and I looked up some

different examples of different one sheets out there. This is something

common like not just in podcasting but businesses and

it's sort of like a resume but on a piece of paper and it's a

little bit less wordy and less professional but

easier to read and easier to consume the information. The things

that I noticed about the one sheets that I liked is it had

first off at the top, the person's name and just like

a really nice picture of them and maybe their

title and some contact information like their socials

or maybe an email or something like that, like their contact

information. The next thing that this would have is

a bio and in the bio it's

just summarizing the person maybe talking about their

highlights, some things that they've done in the past, either work

or personal related, just kind of giving like

maybe one or two paragraphs about a person very short and concise.

And that's kind of the whole idea of this thing is to keep it short

and concise so somebody can just browse it very quickly and

not have to spend time reading like 20 paragraphs.

So that's one of the sections of my one sheet is

a bio of the person and then the next section

that I'm using specifically for podcasting is a

suggested episode Topics. And in this section I

have three different suggested episodes that

the person that the one sheet is talking about can talk about

on a podcast episode. So kind of what I'm doing here is I'm

suggesting like, hey, if this person were to be on your podcast, these are

three different topics that we could discuss and talk about

and could basically be like the topic of the episode

that we're going to create. So I'm kind of almost like making

the research for the podcast host a little bit easier because I'm saying

these are three things that he could talk about, these are three things that he's

good at or experience that he has and

something that he can bring to the table, right? I'm not just asking

for a favor to be on this podcast. I'm saying, hey, here's three

valuable things that I think could be helpful to your audience

and in this way you're showing them. Like, here's the

reason why I think my person is going to

make a good guest on your podcast because they have this, this, and this

to offer value to your audience. And this is

kind of like the most important section of this one sheet, I think. And

it's really helping the podcast hosts make a decision on whether or not they think

that those things are valuable. And you're basically very quickly

summarizing the person that you want to get on a podcast

and making sure that it's going to be a right fit. So this section

I definitely spent the most time on and I made sure that

I kind of already crafted these three ideas on a separate

document before I even made this because this

is kind of like how I'm going to pitch this person to

podcast hosts. And what I'm doing with this one sheet is I'm just

making it very simple and very clear as to what

value this person offers. And then the last section

on the one sheet is just going to be a featured in

section where I will use this to kind of give

my potential guests a little bit more credibility saying like, hey, we were

featured in this article or this blog or this news

channel or radio station, whatever they were ever featured on before.

I want to kind of put that in there. And even if it was other

podcasts, I would put that on there as well just to kind of give yourself

a little bit more credibility and to make your

podcast resume, if you will, as strong as it can be.

So when you're thinking about asking people to be on

your show and pitching a guest to a podcast host,

this is A, going to be super professional, right? And

B, it's also going to be very easy for them to look

at and to get all the information and to summarize the guest

that you're pitching, and it's also helping them out

in doing their job because as they're researching your guest

and thinking to themselves, like, okay, what's going to be the topic of this

episode? What's going to be the theme? I'm already giving that to them, right?

I'm already saying like, hey, this could be it, this could be it, this could

be it. In my personal sheet that I made, I created three

suggested episode topics. But you could do more than that. I

think that's just important that you offer that to the

podcast host because you're again, showing

the value of why this person you're pitching is going to be a good guest

on their podcast. So using this one sheet

is, I think, a good way of either trying to get somebody else onto

a podcast or you could think about it even for yourself, right? If

you have a podcast and you're trying to expand your podcast

and to grow your audience, one way to do that is to be

featured on other people's podcasts. So you could talk about your podcast or

your area of expertise and gain the audience

of a different podcast. We called that going on a

podcast tour, and I've had episodes about that in the past. But if

you think about it in that way, to create a one sheet for

yourself so then you can be featured on other podcast, this is a

much better way of trying to actually land that interview than

just emailing somebody and being like, hey, I have a podcast. You have a podcast?

Can I be on your podcast? That may work, but I think your

chances of success are a lot higher when you already do

all this pre beforehand work, right? Like, you could send an email and saying,

hey, I have a podcast, you have a podcast, I should blank your pitch. Here's

an attachment of why I think I'd make a good guest. And

now the podcast host can pull up this one sheet and they can look

at you, they see what you look like, they know

a little bit about your background, and most importantly, they

know what topics you want to talk about and what suggested topics

that you plan on having your episode about. So

it makes their job a little bit easier, and it makes the argument for you

to be on their podcast a lot more stronger. And

it shows people that you care because you did some work in advance

and you were prepared, and it shows that you're taking it

seriously. So I think if you want to go on a podcast tour

and you want to get on other people's podcasts and get in front

of their audiences, I think creating a podcast one sheet

is going to increase your chances of landing

those interviews on the podcast that you want to be on and at the end

of the day, just make it easier for people to figure out

if you're going to be a right fit for them or not. And I think

that's really what it comes down to. You don't want to get on every single

podcast out there. You want to get on the podcast that it makes sense for

you to be on, and it's going to be a win win for

everybody. Because if you do have a good match and their

podcast is a good match for you, that means their audience is also going to

be a good match for you. And likely you'll have some of their audience

come over and join your own audience. So I hope

that this was helpful. If you enjoyed the show, please share it with a

friend. Thank you for listening and I will see you on the next episode.

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E61 Creating a Podcast Guest One Sheet: A Powerful Tool for Landing Interviews
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