E58 Creating a Start Here Page to Keep New Listeners

Welcome to Help Me podcast, a show designed to help

you launch and grow your podcast. I am your host Gino, and

twice a week, I will release a new episode with different tips and

tricks for launching and growing your podcast, from audio engineering,

to planning intentionally, to growth tactics, each episode will be a

bite sized tip to help you podcast.

Welcome back. Thank you everybody for tuning back in to help me

podcast. Today, I have a little tip for you that I

heard recently. So I've been doing, I've been

attending this, podcast summit virtually, which happened a while

ago, and It's a summit that, CAP Show has put

on, and they've put this on this is the 2nd year in a row that

they've done this, and it's called the grow my podcast summit.

And You know, if you get the extra package or whatever, you're allowed

to keep the content forever and to kinda watch it at your own time. And

this happened probably a couple months ago already. but I'm kinda now starting to

go through the content and really just take it at at my own

time. And what it's really been helpful for is actually feeder for

this podcast is, like, I'm taking all the things that I like from it

and, like, hearing these new ideas and being like, oh, this is great. This is

this would make a perfect podcast episode. And, oh, I really like this idea, and

just all kinds of great content. And it's put on by CAPT Show, which is

an AI tool for podcasters. They help create show notes

and AI generated content for your podcast, just using a

simple mp3 file. And there's there's a couple of people out there that do that

But what I really like about cap show, I I really like that they're

always making podcast content and just helping

podcasters out there and Didre is somebody who I've talked about

before. She's, one of the founders of CAPT Show. She's just really,

like, this podcast summit, I think, is, like, the best thing that they do because

they basically just have, like, you know, 20 or 30 different interviews

with people in the podcasting space, just bringing new ideas,

and you know, cross pollinating ideas and just like, I don't

know. It's it's really inspiring for me to be able to, like, watch all of

that. So if you haven't heard about it, you can definitely

go to CAP Show or just Google CAP Show grow my

podcast thumbnail. And I think you couldn't even still buy, like, this past

year's because it's available, you know, it's still available. So I think you

can still buy a ticket for it and get all the awesome content that they

have. But anyways, today's episode is gonna be something that I

learned in one of these sessions. And what it's called is

the start here page. And I was just listening to somebody

talk about they were talking about something else, but they kinda, like, briefly brought up

the idea of, like, a start here page for your podcast and

and I really liked that idea of it and never really thought about it before,

but it's basically like a page on your website that says,

like, you know, it's a start here page. So if you have a new person

coming to your podcast or maybe you're sharing your podcast to somebody

new. It's a list of maybe the top

10 episodes and it's kinda like the introduction to your

podcast. Like, hey. Here's my most popular episodes or, you know, a

curated list of my episodes. and these are the ones you should

you should start listening to. I just thought that, like, that was genius because a

lot of times, you know, you find a new podcast and they have hundreds of

episodes and It just becomes, like, so overwhelming, and it's, like,

I don't even know where to start. I don't wanna get in here, like, midway

through a season or, like, know, I don't wanna start an episode a

199. It just seems like too much. And it

also, for me, feels a lot like you know, when somebody introduces you to a

new band or a new musician or artist, and they have, like, a

catalog of of albums out. And it's like, Where do you start? You

know, like, it's it's sometimes overwhelming. And I think why

I connected to this is because, you know, using the music example, I think it's

helpful when somebody comes to you, not just with a new artist, but they come

to you with a new artist and they say, like, hey. You should really start

with this record because this was their best work, or this

was the thing that was most relatable to me or I think you'll

like this one the best. It's always helpful. to, like, hap because to me,

that's way more approachable than being, like, go listen to this artist that has 10

records. It's like, no. Go listen to this one record and see if you like

it, and then you can listen to whatever else they have after that.

And if people don't give you that recommendation, it becomes hard

to choose an album on yourself because you know, they have 10 albums. You don't

know which one to pick. You could pick a bad one, and then you don't

like them. Right? so I think it's always, for me,

relating to music, it's always super helpful when somebody says, hey. Go check out this

artist. Listen to this record. it just feels way more

approachable. And that's kinda what this start here page

is for your podcast. It's not like, Hey, go listen to this podcast that has

hundreds of episodes. It's, hey, go listen to

these 10 episodes first or maybe these 5 episodes. you know, that

could be something that that you decide on your own, but It just

it makes it an easier step into your podcast for a new listener.

So now let's talk about some, like, specifics and how we go about making this

list you know, the way that the person brought it up that I was listening

to was on your podcast website. And maybe all of you don't have a podcast

website, and that's totally fine. But if you have your own website, I think it

is helpful to maybe create, like, a whole new tab. And

then you can use an in bed player if your podcast host

allows for it. and just be like, hey. Here's here's the list of

episodes that I'm curating. And and these are the ones that you should go

into first because then what that allows you to do is you have a now

you have a custom link that you could send people. So, you know, let's say

you're on another pod cast and, you know, you're doing an interview for

somebody else, you can say like, hey, go listen to my podcast, go to help

me podcast.com/start here, and that'll help you

get started into my podcast because, you know, that's my curated list of

newcomers to listen to the show. Right? So it it gives you that kinda that

kinda link, which is super helpful for people. But, you know, maybe you

don't have a website for your podcast, or maybe you have, like, only

a host page, and they don't really allow you to, like,

customize anything, and you can't have a specific web page.

Another thing you can do is you could just simply make, like, a Spotify playlist.

Right? Like, I think that's something that maybe some people don't really utilize

very often is just utilizing a Spotify playlist because

you can do that with podcasts. Right? So it's helpful to

just create a playlist of maybe 10 or so episodes

And now you got a link, and you can send that link, the play the

Spotify playlist link to people. And you could

probably even figure a way out to put that on, like, your transistor

kinda flow website, you know, maybe put it in your show notes or or

somewhere. It's, again, it's an easy accessible link that you could send

people who wanna listen to your podcast who are newer

listeners. So the last thing I wanna talk about is, like, what should you

be putting on this list? Right? Like, I I guess the first thing that I

would think of is like, alright. We'll just go to your analytics and look at

the top most 10 downloaded episodes or 8 most

downloaded episodes. whatever number that you wanna pick, and then just add

those. Right? And maybe that makes the most sense because it's the most

popular episodes, but you know, maybe there's an

exception to that. Maybe there's an episode that you want people to listen to

that isn't the most popular I'm thinking of my other podcast working

towards our purpose, for example, like, that podcast is me

interviewing other people, but the first episode of that podcast

is me kinda introducing myself and telling my story,

and it's not the most downloaded episode. but I think maybe

that would be helpful for people to give context to my podcast is,

like, you know, where did I get the idea for this and where did where

coming from what's my past story and then getting into

the stories of others because I think it helps to define

the show more or even just like give, you know, more

context to the interviews. So I would intentionally think

about you know, what this list is and maybe not just doing the most

downloaded ones, but which ones make the most sense from somebody who's coming

into your podcast from a fresh perspective. So I

hope this was helpful and, you know, I hope it helps inspire you to maybe

think of your greatest hits of your podcast to be able

to show people to easily transition them into liking and

loving your podcast instead of just telling them, you know, to go off on your

own, I think it's a a much more approachable way to get new listeners

And, you know, I kinda got excited about this idea, which is why I created

this episode for it, and I hope that it inspires you to do

the same. And I'm probably gonna be having much more ideas

and, content from this, grow my podcast summit that

I'm currently listening to. and currently going

through. So, you know, I'm I'm excited for the next couple weeks or maybe

even months of this this podcast because I think I'm gonna be really

excited about creating these because, like I

said, the the girl on my podcast on me, at least last year for me

was so awesome and was very inspiring. And I think

now I'm gonna be able to expand upon those ideas and give my own

thoughts on those ideas and bring them to you and, you know, hopefully

help you with your podcast. So Stay tuned for some some more

great episodes, and thank you so much for listening. As always, I

appreciate you spending your time with me, and I will see you on another episode.

We've reached the end of the episode. And if you enjoyed this podcast

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E58 Creating a Start Here Page to Keep New Listeners
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