E55 Adding a Transcript to Your Podcast Episodes Works

Welcome to help

me podcast. A

show designed to help you launch and grow your

podcast. I am your host Gino. And twice a week, I will release

a new episode with different tips and tricks for launching and

growing your podcast. From audio engineering to planning intentionally

to growth tactics, each episode will be a bite sized tip to help

you podcast.

Hey. Welcome back, everybody. Thank you for tuning back in. I

am your host, Gino. And today, we're gonna talk about transcriptions

for your podcast. A transcription of your podcast is

simply just the written format of your audio podcast.

Because your podcast is an audio file, it doesn't have

any text information to it. So

when you have the transcription for your podcast, you now have,

you know, just the written format of what you're saying. So

wherever you're hosting your podcast, you most likely have the option to

upload a transcript. And today, I wanna talk about all the

benefits of doing that. because recently, I started doing

transcripts for this podcast, and I was looking at the analytics

and found something that was kinda surprising. basically, I

added a transcript to 2 episodes

recently, not that long ago, and I didn't for all

of them. So I was kinda being sporadic about it because I just started using

this new platform that allows me to do this, which I'll get into later.

But, basically, there was 2 episodes where I uploaded the transcripts.

And I went and looked at my analytics this morning and saw

that those two specific episodes that I uploaded the transcript

to had, like, almost three times the views as the other

ones. or three times the listens or downloads as the other ones that didn't have

the transcripts. I I guess it could be a coincidence. Right? But it's

kinda interesting that the specific ones that have the

transcripts are the ones that got more downloads and more listens. And, you know, it's

a really small sample size. It's only two episodes. So I guess it's

hard to say if the transcript was the only thing that led to it because

I'm also doing other things to improve my podcast.

Like, you know, better show notes and better show titles and stuff like that

and and using AI to help me. But I think that it's

also worth not ignoring that the fact that the

two ones that had the transcripts had the most views. So first, I wanna

talk a little bit about why transcriptions can be helpful for your podcast,

you know, in theory, and then talk about how you can actually get that done

and be better at having your transcripts for your podcast,

and even just the benefits of it. So first thing, what a

transcript allows you to do is it turns your audio

into a searchable word document pretty much.

And, you know, podcasts are great for a lot of things, but they

are not good for creating content and material

that can be searched by Google or other search engines. So when you

just upload an audio file, it's not really good for SEO, search

engine optimization, because the Google bots can't

crawl an audio file. At least not right now. Who knows maybe

in the future, they'll be able to do that. But they are

basically looking for text online and, you know, all kinds of content

that has text that can be read. So when you turn your

podcast into text that can be read, now when

people are searching things on Google, now your podcast can be

included in that search. So all that to say

that when you're using a transcription, it helps the SEO

of your podcast, and it helps you get found more just from Google

searching or from, you know, people looking up stuff on the Internet. Another

reason why transcriptions are good is it also allows people

with disabilities to consume your podcast as

well. So people who are hard of hearing or deaf and can't

actually listen to the podcast can now read your podcast

and consume it that way. Whereas before, you know, if you don't have a

transcription, you're basically excluding those people. And

also, excluding people who maybe are in scenarios where they

wanna read something, and they they can't listen. Maybe they're

on, like, a subway train or something and loud or they don't wanna have earphones

in or they're in a waiting room and they need to hear their name, they

can now read your podcast instead of having to listen to it.

So it just gives people another way to consume the same content. It's it's really

repurposing your content. And lastly, a transcription can be good for

your podcast because you're you're basically making evergreen

content with your show. Right? You're you're making content

from your audio of your podcast and turning it into

text that can then be repurposed into other content. You could

put it on a blog post. You could put it on a LinkedIn post or

other social media. and you could take bits of it and, you know,

share snippets on different social media platforms. You can

create quote bubbles, you know, It's a endless list of content you

can create once you have your audio transcription.

Also, what it does is it just it creates a library of all of

this information to text. And that can be really

important. You know, just one example of being able to

use that in the future is maybe you're researching something, and,

you know, your podcast is all about learning. And and in the future, you wanna

write a paper or you wanna write a book or an ebook. Having the

transcription makes it so much easier for you to actually put that

together, where instead, if you're, you know, trying to go back

and listen to all the episodes and jotting notes and writing down what you said.

Now all you have to do is look at all these text files. You can

search through the text files. You know? It just it makes the content so

much more accessible to you and to the listener. Alright. So

now that I've convinced you why a transcript is good, I wanna I wanna

talk about how I've been able to come up with the transcriptions

because I know that there are services out there, and a lot of different people

do it, and there's a lot of different ways to do it. And I even

talked about a freeway to get a transcript using YouTube,

which, you know, could work if you're putting your podcast on YouTube, but it's

also a little bit time consuming. And For me, I found that,

like, it was a great way to get a transcript for free, but it also

wasn't really a sustainable thing for me. just because of the amount of time

that it took for me. So recently, I was I I was on

this this sort of webinar, and somebody

told us, like, how you know, their workflow of their podcasts and and how they

come up with transcriptions. And they mentioned this website

that kinda blew my mind. It's called app Sumo, and I'll

leave a link for it in the show notes. But, basically, it's a website where

you you can buy a lifetime membership of these certain different apps

that are out there. Because you'll notice, like, a lot of the different websites out

there that will transcribe your podcast or maybe it's, you know, a

new AI website for helping you write show notes or something

like that. They they all have, like, a monthly fee to them, and they can

get pretty pricey and, you know, that can deter a lot of people from using

them. But anyways, this this other website AppSumo

basically has a whole list of different tools on

there that you can purchase with a lifetime membership.

And so this means you pay it once, and then you get this, like,

access code to where you don't have to pay it monthly. And it

kinda blew my mind because I didn't even know that that was a thing. And,

you know, there's not everything on there, but I guess the idea of it

is these new and upcoming applications will go on there to

get themselves out there and get people to use them to gain traction and

momentum. And then, you know, maybe then they'll get off the website and

then have their monthly subscription. And it's a good way to, like, I guess, build

a reputation and build the client base. So anyways, if you can

catch a good app on there, you know, you can really luck

out, and and that's what I've done with the this podcast AI

tool that I've bought. The app that I'm using is called

cast magic.i0, and it's basically

an AI tool that takes your podcast audio and creates

transcriptions and content. So we're talking like blog posts,

keywords, LinkedIn posts, social media posts. It creates

anything that you want. It even has, like, a chat box command sort of

thing like chatGBT does, that's called magic chat,

and you can type anything you want and say, like, hey, build me a 2

paragraph show notes for this episode, and it'll do it. So it's a very

amazing. It's been very user friendly. You can use multiple

podcasts on it. I I can't recommend it enough. I've I've only

just started using it for you know, the last 2 weeks or so, but it's

really made my life a lot easier. And I wanted to talk about it because

maybe it can help you. So, basically, I got the lifetime

membership which means that I get 600 minutes per

month. And I paid, like, a 120 bucks for it because I also got,

like, a coupon or something. So, I mean, you know, for basically

a $100, I got this amazing program. That's normally

$39 a month for the lowest tier. it's really been working out for

me. So I'll leave a link for that in the show notes, and and maybe

you can use it. And, hopefully, by the time that you're listening to this, it's

it's still on here because you know, things come on and off of

AppSumo. And, you know, there's no guarantee that it'll be on

there. But, hey. There might be an even better one or or a different program

that can help you. So I definitely recommend checking out AppSumo and seeing

if there's any sort of tool that can be helpful for you. Because if if

you're like me, you definitely get frustrated with the, you know, the

monthly subscription model of things because those add

up So I just wanted to share with you all what I

found, and I'm gonna continue to be doing transcripts

from my podcast And, hopefully, this has inspired you to wanna get

transcripts done for your podcast. Hopefully, you can use Cast Magic or

another service that can help you out in doing that. shoot me an email and

tell me what your workflow is. You know? Maybe you're using a different program

that's even easier or cheaper. I'd love to know what you use, and and

I'd love go research it and and take a look at it. Send me an

email with the link in my show notes, and thank you all for

listening. I appreciate your time, and I will see you next

time. We've reached the end of the episode, and if you

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listening and happy podcasting.

E55 Adding a Transcript to Your Podcast Episodes Works
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