E53 The Power of Easy Sharing: Enabling Guests to Amplify Your Podcast

Welcome to help me podcast. A show designed to help

you launch and grow your podcast. I am your host, Gino. And

twice a week, I will release a new episode with different tips and

tricks for launching and growing your podcast. From audio engineering

to planning intentionally to growth tactics, each episode will be a

bite sized tip to help you podcast.

Hello, and welcome back to help me podcast. Today, we're

gonna talk about why it's important to make your

show easily shareable specifically for the guests that you

have on your podcast. So we all know the importance of social

media and, you know, sharing your show and saying that you have new episodes and

things like that. But today, what I wanna talk about specifically

is making your show super easy for your guests

to share with their network. So if you have a

podcast where you're interviewing different people for each episode,

you actually have an advantage of being able to cross

promote your podcast with your guest

network. And, you know, they don't have to be like a celebrity

or a household name or anything like that. for you to take advantage.

Because chances are, even if they're just, you know, a normal person like me and

you, they probably have some sort of network of friends and

family who would likely want to hear them on

a podcast. So the idea of so

What we wanna do is use this to our advantage to grow our

podcast. Because the person that you're interviewing

has a whole network of people that follow them, at least

on social media or on LinkedIn or, you know, or elsewhere

online. This is a whole new group of people that have

likely never listened to your show or don't even know who you are.

But because you are interviewing the person that they

know, they likely will be interested in listening to this one

specific episode. So what we're gonna do is leverage

that and try to capture some of those people

who follow your guest. So the one thing that we can do to

make sure that this happens is making it super

easy for them to share the content that you're creating

with their interview. This is specifically things like

custom cover art or TikTok clips

or links to the published show or links to the

video that's on YouTube, making all of these things easily

accessible and handing it right to your guests in a nice

package. Right? So You probably already emailed

them with a link to the show when their show comes out and saying, like,

you know, here's a link to the show. Feel free to listen to it. Right?

we wanna take it one step further. We want to not only give them

the link to the show, but we also want to give them a package

of custom graphics that are already perfectly sized for social

media. So all they have to do is download the image or the

video and then share it on their platform. For example,

something that I've been doing with my other podcast working towards our purpose

is I'm making custom cover art. And for a while, I thought

that, you know, it wasn't really helpful to make a custom cover art, but then

I actually had a situation where a guest shared my cover art

and they actually, like, inserted a picture of themself over

the cover art to, you know, identify that they were the ones who were

being interviewed on the podcast. So that got me thinking. And I was

like, well, maybe it is beneficial if I grab a picture of the

guest and then make a custom cover art for each episode

So that way, the guest doesn't have to go out of their way to share

the episode. They could simply just post the picture that I send them.

This specific guest I was talking about definitely went way out of her way to

do that, and, obviously, everybody's not gonna wanna do that. So

what can we do to make it simple to share? So what I

do now is I take a picture of them, and I kinda have a

template in Canva where I just insert their

picture and then put the episode title and their name.

So that's a graphic that I can share with them along with the

episode link. So now I have the episode

that they can go listen to, and I also have a picture that they can

share on their Instagram stories or the social media or maybe

in their own email list or wherever they like to connect with their audience.

You can even take it a step further if you're creating video content for your

podcast. For example, if you're recording on Zoom, you can

turn both of those videos into a Instagram

reel or a TikTok clip that you can also then

easily share with your guest and, again, just giving

them the content so all they have to do is post it. Another thing

that you can do on Instagram is You can post that video,

and then you can also request to have a co

poster, and you can actually have your guest and you post

it at the same time, which means it shows it to both your

audience and their audience. And all they have to do is

accept the post, and they really don't even have to do any of the work.

These are the types of things that you can do to be able to utilize

the audience of your guest and show them the episode

that you and them both created. So really, the idea is

to make it easy for the guests to be able to

Just talk about and share the fact that they were on your podcast. Lastly, what

this does is it's gonna strengthen the relationship between you and your

guest because you made it so easy for them. You made the podcast an

enjoyable experience. You made it super easy for them to share,

and then you also helped them create content for their own

site. So you basically handed them, ready to post

content, and what you did was you just shared the value that they delivered to

you and you made it extremely easy for them to reshare that

information with their audience. So they leave the

experience thinking like, wow. You know, this person had me podcast. They made it a

great experience. And then they also gave me all this content to share, so I

didn't have to make as much content myself. And, you know, I really didn't have

to do anything and I just had a great experience

overall, and you were strengthening the relationship between you and them.

So to recap, The reasons why we wanna make it really easy for

our guests to share. The podcast that we did together

is number 1, to leverage their network and to try to

get people who know who they are listen to our

podcast. And we're gonna do that by giving them easily

shareable content. We wanna make it really easy so that way they

actually do it because people are busy, and there's so many different things to do

if you just, you know, ask them the end of the interview to share it

when it comes out in a month, you know, they might forget or they might

not actually follow through with that. But if you make it super easy for

them, it's a more likely chance that they're gonna make a post about it.

And another thing that you can do even on top of that is

maybe 6 months down the road, you send them another email, and you'd put a

reminder, or you have automated email sent to them saying like, hey, you

know, Hope you're doing well. Just thinking about this podcast episode we

did. Oh, by the way, here's all the clips again in case you want to

reshare it. People really enjoyed it the first time or something like that.

And, you know, that actually might get you a spike in listens for their

particular episode if they reshare that content. And

lastly, the reason why we're doing all of this too is to strengthen the

relationship between you and your guest, which could help

provide, you know, future collaborations or joint ventures

or you know, even being on the podcast episode again and sharing

some more wisdom. You're making it a great experience for everybody

involved. These aren't the only ways to help make sure that your

guests are resharing and sharing your show. But these are just some of the

ones that I had thought about. and, you know, coming from experience

in my own podcast. So I hope that the show is helpful, and I will

see you all next time. We've reached the end of the episode.

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E53 The Power of Easy Sharing: Enabling Guests to Amplify Your Podcast
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