E52: The Power of Communication: What to Do When You Miss a Week
Welcome to Help Me Podcast, a show designed to help you
launch and grow your podcast. I am your host, Geno, and twice
a week I will release a new episode with different tips and tricks
for launching and growing your podcast. From audio engineering to
planning intentionally to growth tactics, each episode will be a bite
sized tip to help you podcast.
Hey, welcome all. Thanks for tuning back in to Help Me podcast.
Today. I have a really quick tip for you. And it was kind of
brought to my attention by some feedback that I got from my other
podcast called Working Towards Our Purpose. So basically with that
podcast, I released biweekly. And the last time I went to release an
episode, I didn't have an interview lined up and
edited. I had somebody cancel on me and I didn't have any in the
bank like I always tell myself that I should do. So I was
facing my release date and I didn't have an episode.
So in my mind, I had two decisions to make. I
could either just not release an episode quietly or I
thought of the idea of just releasing like a quick solo
episode. So this show is specifically interviewing other people
and every episode I interview a different person. So
when I have somebody cancel on me or things happen and
I don't have an episode ready to go, I usually don't think
to just put out like an episode of myself because none of the episodes are
really just me talking. But for whatever reason,
I thought this time like, hey, why don't I just have an
episode that's maybe like two or 3 minutes long? And I
could thank people for listening, I could thank people for giving me
good feedback and for the positive response that I had and kind of just give
an update and say, like, I got some interviews coming up. I plan on
still doing this biweekly and everything. I just wanted to keep you updated while I
didn't have a show for this week. And so I sent it out and didn't
really think too much of it. It was only like two or 3 minutes long.
And then I ran into somebody who listens to my
podcast every time I release an episode. And he came up to me and he
was like, hey, man, it was really smart of you to do that
episode where you just gave everybody an update instead of
just, like, taking a week off. Because normally people just don't say anything. And then
the podcast doesn't come out and the listeners are like, kind of
waiting on when is the next one going to come? And nobody really
says anything. And I appreciated that feedback because when
he said that, it made me think of it and I was like, yeah, you
know what? That is true. There's podcasts that I listen to that are weekly
podcasts. And then I'm thinking of one in particular,
they took like basically like one or two months off and didn't
say anything. And it was kind of frustrating for the listener.
Sure, I don't have thousands of downloads, but for the people that do listen to
the show, when you don't have one come out and you don't say
why you don't have one come out or you don't have a reason, it just
kind of leaves people hanging a little bit. So that's my short piece of advice
for today. Nothing super long, but I just wanted to pass
forward that feedback that I got to hopefully
help you in the future. Maybe next time you don't have an episode ready
because life gets in the way, maybe you could just go in there and
record an episode really quick. Because a good thing about it is
it really didn't take me that much time at all. It was super simple to
put together and it probably took me a matter of
30 minutes between recording, editing, uploading and scheduling it. So
it's something that can be done really quickly and I think it
can be helpful for you and your listeners. I think it's always a good idea
to tell your listeners that you're going to be taking a break or just
tell them when you're coming back. Or even if you just have a week like
I mentioned this episode, even if you just have a week where you don't have
an episode, I think it's helpful to just say, hey, I don't have an episode
this week, and to just fill in your listeners and tell them what's going on.
Because you never know who's listening to your podcast every time you release an
episode and you want to make all of your listeners feel like they're
part of the show. So when you go ahead and tell them that you're taking
a break, I think it helps them feel more appreciated. And
especially like I mentioned, when you're releasing an episode that thanks your
listeners, certainly nobody's going to get upset that they're being
appreciated for listening to your show. So I think it's a win win all around
and I highly encourage you to do it. So that's all I got for you
today. I hope this was helpful and I will see you on the next episode.
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