E48 Do you have a podcast accountability buddy?

Gino Cordone [00:00:06]:

Welcome to help me podcast. A show designed to help you launch and grow your podcast. I am your host Gino. And twice a week, I will release a new episode with different tips and tricks for launching and growing your podcast. From audio engineering to planning intentionally to growth tactics, each episode will be a bite sized tip to help you podcast.

Gino Cordone [00:00:31]:

Hey. Good morning, everybody. Thanks for joining us here on help me podcast. And in today's quick tip, we're gonna talk about not podcasting alone. So think there's a lot of people out there that wanna start a podcast and have started a podcast and are doing everything about themselves. And the reason I'm making that assumption is because, you know, I am one of those people. This podcast here, I run completely on my own. I do all the post production, all the preproduction, all the uploading, you know, everything that has to do with the show. And it can be a lot sometimes. And, you know, I'm kinda just coming to terms with myself a little bit about how much work it is. And, you know, just doing it alone has its downsides. You know? There's there's no person there to help keep you motivated. And in the past few weeks, I found a You know, I found it a little tough to find some motivation, and I wanna tell a little story about something that actually helped motivate me about another product that I'm working on. And I'm hoping that it might be helpful for you and your podcast. So, you know, if you've been podcasting for a while by yourself, and you're starting to lose motivation. And, you know, you're starting to feel that pod fade come in, which is usually when you get into, like, the 7 to 10 episode area range of your podcast and you start, you know, just feeling like it's a lot of work, and you're not really seeing the payoff sort of thing. One tactic to avoid this pod fade could be finding a podcast accountability buddy. So what is a podcast accountability buddy? know, it's the same thing as a normal accountability buddy, which is just somebody there that you have to talk to about the things that you're doing to help keep you accountable. And I think the key part of this is the regular check ins, whether it's, like, a weekly or biweekly or you know, even monthly. Just somebody there to kinda keep you accountable and to hold you to the things that you say you're gonna do. So let me tell you the story, and then we can get into talking about it a little bit more. So I have this kind of passion project that I am working on with my brother called Pure City Sounds. and it's basically just a website that creates content to support independent musicians. Right? So both us are really into, like, know, indie artists and artists that haven't really made it. They're on independent record labels and maybe aren't as popular, but know, the music is really good, and I've kinda always been into that for a while. So we started this website, Pure City Sounds, and he's also a photographer, and he takes great pictures of bands at live shows and, you know, even bands at photo shoots and stuff like that. So it's kind of a culmination of photography and then also blog writing and hopefully, we wanna one day turn it into, like, recording live bands, and then that's where, like, my audio piece would come in. And, you know, in the meantime, just kinda, like, writing blog posts about artists to help support them. So we have it up and running and everything. You can go pureseasounds.com to check it out. But, you know, I felt like I haven't really been that much of a contributor to it lately, and he's done a lot of work on it. And I was just looking at this site the other day. And, you know, we also do a newsletter once a month that we just started. So, you know, I'm supposed to be helping him contribute to some of the content that will go into that newsletter. And know, I kinda just been realizing, like, you know, I'm doing this kinda on my own, kinda writing these own articles here because we, you know, we don't live together. He lives in New York City. And You know, I thought about it, and I was like, I need some motivation to to do these things because I'm not just gonna do them on my own. I have so many other things going on. And, you know, I just texted him and I said, hey. We like like, let's have a a biweekly meeting and, you know, me that can help keep us accountable for this one specific project. Because I don't know. There's some at least for me, there's something motivating about getting together with somebody and then, like, you know, kinda leading a meeting and being like, okay. What are the problems that need to be solved? And you can kinda do some, like, real world problem solving. And I don't know. I just I really like the way that you can, like, problem solve with people and just work together and work off of each other to create solutions so that, you know, we had our first meeting yesterday, and it was just a really productive meeting. And you know, I felt way more focused about it, and now I have specific action items to hit before the end of the month. And you know, just having that meeting to me was so inspiring and motivating for me to do some of that work. So, you know, to bring this back down to podcasting into your podcast, is there somebody out there that maybe you can have a meeting with biweekly or maybe even weekly to where you can, like, just talk about your podcast and air it out because I feel like a lot of times, you know, especially if you're just doing something alone all the time, you get stuck in your head and you get stuck with these problems that you know, if talked out, they could be solved much simpler. So, you know, is there a podcasting buddy you can find to have an accountability meeting with? You know, maybe there's a group of people. Maybe there's 3 or 4 of you that have a podcast, and you got some friends that have podcasts. And know, you get together maybe once a week or maybe, you know, once every other week, like I said, and you just talk about the issues that you're having. And get some feedback. And, you know, I think there's something different about collaborating with people that you you know, you may not see it at face value. You may not see, like, oh, that how's this person gonna help me? Or, you know, this person won't be able to help me do this. But I think there's a Your your brain works in a different way when you're with other people, and I think it helps unlock solutions just by saying the problems out loud. and being able to have somebody hear them. You know? I mean, it's classic, like, you know, therapy. Right? Like, speaking of problems out loud, to somebody who's open and willing to listen to you, and then it becomes less heavy inside you. Right? And that's kind of the idea of having an accountability partner for your podcast is that when you come across these issues and when you get demotivated and, you know, maybe your podcast isn't growing and and you gotta brainstorm some growth tactics, you have somebody to kinda bounce some ideas off of and to get their feedback. So I think it's important to have the person be open minded and listening and trusting. You know, you have to trust them. And, you know, you don't want somebody who's, like, a negative thinker or anything like that. You know, you want somebody be able to be motivating and supportive. But if you can find somebody like that for your podcast, then, you know, I think it's gonna help you in the long term, and it's gonna help you combat some of that pod fade. And even as I'm talking right now, you know, I'm kinda thinking of the same thing for myself as, like, well, Are there some like minded people out there who would want to meet once every other week and, you know, just discuss your podcast? You know, maybe that's something to come in the future from me. Maybe that's something that I can offer you all as listeners is, you know, if that's something that you're interested in, definitely shoot me an email and let me know because I could definitely see the value in that. If there's people that are, you know, wanting to show up every week and talk about podcasting, You know, maybe I could put together some some sort of, like, you know, virtual podcast, networking mixer every other week, and I would totally be happy to do that if there were people that wanted to show up for it. So like I said, email me if you're interested in that, and maybe we can get something started like that. But for now, thank you as always for listening, and I wish you the best luck in finding an accountability partner for your podcast. And I'll see you next time. We've reached the end of the episode, and if you enjoyed this podcast or you got something from it, you might be interested in my weekly newsletter that I send out every Monday morning full of podcasting tips, tricks, and news. So if you like this show, you might like this newsletter. To sign up, just go to the show notes and click the link. Thanks for listening and happy podcasting.

E48 Do you have a podcast accountability buddy?
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