A podcast dedicated to helping you launch and grow your own podcast. New episodes every month to help keep you up to date on the latest podcast tools, new growth ideas, and anything new in the world of podcasting!

You can think of this show as sort of a podcast encyclopedia. In each episode we will discuss one specific topic within podcasting, whether it has to do with recording quality audio, launching a podcast, or growing your new show. This show is mostly for new podcasters and soon to be podcasters, but if you’ve been podcasting for a while you might learn something new too! Browse the titles of the episodes and listen to the ones that you need at the moment. Happy podcasting!

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Latest Episodes

E52: The Power of Communication: What to Do When You Miss a Week

We all know how important it is to be consistent with podcasting, but sometimes life gets in the way.  What do you do if you don't have an episode ready by the time yo...

E51 Podcast Launch Roadmap: A Guide to Help You Start

After a little break in the podcast, I'm back with another new episode and another new gift for you!  If you haven't started your podcast your going to want to tune in...

E50 How to Record a Professional Sounding Podcast

Today I got something special for you for my 50th episode! I can't believe its been 50 episodes already.  I also got some good and bad news for you, and a special gift...

E49 How to Record a Two Person Podcast

In today's episode we are going to talk about recording a podcast guest in person.  That's a two person podcast.  If you are usually using Zoom or Riverside to record ...

E48 Do you have a podcast accountability buddy?

Asking for help is always difficult, but it's even harder to do everything by yourself all the time.  Do you podcast alone?  In today's episode we talk about getting s...

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